When was Vedan International¡¦s initial public offering? |
What was the price of Vedan International¡¦s initial public offering? |
How many Vedan International shares are outstanding? |
What exchange does Vedan International stock trade on? |
What is Vedan Internationals stock code? |
What is Vedan International¡¦s fiscal year? |
What is the schedule of final dividend releases for 2007? |
What are the details on the declared dividends in fiscal year 2007? |
Which accounting firm is the auditor of Vedan International (Holding) Limited? |
How do I contact Vedan International Investor Relations? |
Is MSG an unhealthy food? |
Why chose Vietnam as the major production base? |
What is your dividend policy? |
When was Vedan International¡¦s initial public offering?
The IPO of Vedan International (Holding) Limited took place on June 27, 2003.
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What was the price of Vedan International¡¦s initial public offering?
The offering price was HK$0.89 per share.
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How many Vedan International shares are outstanding?
As of December 31, 2007, Vedan International has 1,522,742,000 outstanding shares.
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What exchange does Vedan International stock trade on?
Vedan International stock trades on the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited.
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What is Vedan Internationals stock code?
Vedan International stock code is 2317.
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What is Vedan International¡¦s fiscal year?
Vedan International¡¦s fiscal year begins January 1 and ends December 31.
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What is the schedule of final dividend releases for 2007?
The final dividend is expected to be paid on or about June 19, 2008 to those shareholders whose names appear on the Register of Members on June 06, 2008.
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What are the details on the declared dividends in fiscal year 2007?
On Sep. 20, 2007, the Board of Directors of Vedan International (Holding) Limited declared Interim dividend of 0.262 US cents (2.043 HK cents) per share. The Interim dividend was paid on October 30, 2007, to stockholders of record as of October 12, 2007.
On April 15, 2008, the Board of Directors of Vedan International (Holding) Limited declared Final dividend of 0.29105 US cents (2.270 HK cents) per share. The Final dividend will be paid on June 19, 2008, to stockholders of record as of June 06, 2008.
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Which accounting firm is the auditor of Vedan International (Holding) Limited?
PricewaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong is currently the Company's auditor.
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How do I contact Vedan International Investor Relations?
Please contact our H.K. Office, Mr. Daniel Lo at: Suite 3706, 37th Floor, West Tower, Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connanght Road, Central, Hong Kong. Mr. Daniel Lo: TEL: 852-28542812; FAX: 852-2544-6452.
Or Contact Strategic Financial Relations Limited, Unit A, 29/F, Admiralty Centre I, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong. TEL: 852-25270490; FAX: 852-28042789.
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Is MSG an unhealthy food?
This is a pure misconception. MSG is in fact a natural amino acid. Daily foods such as tomato, cheese, mushroom and milk contain MSG. It is made from the fermentation of materials containing glucose, like starch, molasses, rice, and corn, with no added chemicals. On a dietary basis, it causes absolutely no harm to the human body. In addition, MSG is endorsed by many international institutions including the United States Food and Drug Administration, which categorizes MSG as ¡§Generally Recognized As Safe¡¨ (GRAS) and is in the same category as sugar, salt and vinegar. Please refer to International Glutamate Information Service (igis) for more information.
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Why chose Vietnam as the major production base?
Vietnam is a suitable site in many aspects, including its supply of raw materials, its economy and its geographical location. Vietnam is rich in agricultural products, and can provide the Group with a stable and abundant supply of raw materials. It is located in the heart of Asia and is undergoing satisfactory economic development. It is also politically stable and the local government is also very supportive of foreign investors. In addition, it shares a very similar food and beverage culture with China, and is in itself a major market for MSG in Asia.
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What is your dividend policy?
The Group maintains a stable dividend policy. The Board will reserve 60% of distributable profits for dividend payouts in 2004 and 2005. In the following years, dividend payouts will range between 40% to 60%, depending on the working capital requirements.
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