Hydrogels are water-swollen networks of hydrophilic homopolymers or copolymers.
They are three-dimensional and they can be formed by covalent or ionic bonds.
The molecular van der Waals forces and hydrogen bondings can serve as
cross-links, thus forming swollen networks, which behave as hydrogels. In
biomedical and agricultural applications, there are normally three types of
hydrogels, including neutral hydrogels, ionic hydrogels, and swollen
interpenetrating polymeric networks.
Preparation of swollen, hydrophilic, polymeric networks are usually achieved in
two techniques as following:
a. By cross-linking of a homopolymer or copoloymer in solution with subsequent
swelling in water or other aqueous solution.
b. By simultaneously copolymerization and cross-linking of one or more
monofunctional and one multifunctional monomer, followed by swelling in an
appropriate aqueous solution.
Since γ-PGA is an all natural biodegradable biopolymer of glutamic acid, it is
the top choice as the backbone material for making hydrogels for use in
biomedical as well as environmental applications. The γ-PGA hydrogels show an
outstanding water absorption up to approximately 5000 times of its weights It
is non-toxic, and also environmentally friendly. It can be best used in
seed-coating; soil renovation; adding in controlling the spreading of the
desert and turning it into green agricultural field; and in controlling the
animal fecal waste and composting; in water treatment; in hygiene products such
as diapers or tampons; and many other possible industrial applications.